Losing Weight is Now Easier Than Thank You

         6 Tips to Lose Weight

The three magical words every physical trainer hates are ‘Weight Loss Secrets’ which he hears countless times throughout his lifetime. These words scare the shit out of trainers because there is really no secret medicine or supplement that would help you lose weight without exercise and proper nutrition. That’s the truth.

So, to help you with your weight loss goals, here we are with six tips to make you a fat burning machine.

Tip 1 Meal frequency

Having more of light meals throughout the day makes your sugar level maintained, so no hunger pangs and no eating whatever you lay your hands on.  
Also, your metabolism doesn’t slows down resulting in less fat accumulation.
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Tip 2 Don’t stop eating carbs and fats

 Cutting calories can be a very effective way to lose fat but eating nearly no carbs and fats would hamper the proper functioning of the body.
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Don’t want to feel and look like a walking zombie, then stick to a healthy amount of calories.

Tip 3 Don’t run away from desi ghee

There is reason why your grandmothers force you to eat ghee with absolutely anything, current studies and research have shown that ghee aids in fat burn and also has healthy fats essential for proper joint function and protein synthesis. Small servings would be good.

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Tip 4 Move it

Yes, lack of movement results in slower metabolism and more accumulation of fat. If you are not seeing results is the because you don't exercise enough.
‘Sitting is the new smoking’ is the new mantra.
Keep your physical exercise up and watch as you lose the extra fat. Just 15 minutes of exercise and healthy eating can bring your weight down to the healthy range. Exercise has lots of other benefits as well, for an article on them please check the link below.
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Tip 5 Keep the water flowing

Our body is made up of 70% water and it is essential for all the physiological processes. Often overweight people don’t have enough water throughout the day, I have seen people drinking one glass of water the entire day. That’s just 7% of your daily needs. Please have 6 to 8 glasses of water at a minimum.
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For the benefits of water and when to drink, please check the link below

Tip 6 Stay miles away from fried foods

Personally, I think fried foods should be declared unfit for consumption. They are so bad for your body, you won’t even know it.
Yes it does tastes good, but sacrificing your health? Not at all.
Prefer healthier cooking methods such as steaming and oxy frying.
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Losing weight is not such a difficult task some people believe it to be. ‘What you believe is what you become’ just eat healthy, exercise regularly and believe on yourself and results are bound to follow.

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Thank You 

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