Three Supplement Must Haves

             The Big Three

As more and more supplement companies pop up with new products in the market, people often confuse over what is better. There are humongous amounts of products available with different objectives and price tags.

So, what a person on a budget should do? Today we discuss about three tried and tested supplements that are recommended by coaches and athletes all over the world.
These supplements are not meant to treat any health disorders, they are just to enhance performance and growth. We reccomend that you once consult your physical trainer before you consume them and make sure you are above 18. 

1. Creatine

One of the most researched supplement of all time, creatine has a plethora of benefits and also is cheap. Creatine is mostly found in the muscles and they help in synthesis of ATP so that we can train longer and harder. Also it absorbs water, thus it brings more nutrients towards the muscles with blood for better muscle growth.Image result for creatine
Just keep the water intake high so that we can flush it out of the body. Ideal dosage is 5g before and after workout. If you see side effects within a day then stop the consumption. Also creatine loading is a myth.

2.  Whey Protein

Tasty, time saving and efficient, whey protein is the go to post workout supplement. It is easily digested, high on protein and BCAA. Take one or two scoops after workout to promote growth and recovery.
Image result for whey
 For a complete guide to why protein, please check the link below,


Branched Chain Amino Acids form one third of the muscle protein. They are easily absorbed, provide speedy recovery, better muscle synthesis and less micro damage. They can be taken as pre, intra or post workout. The liquid alternatives can be sipped throughout the day.
Image result for bcaa powder scoop
These were the three supplements many athletes vouch for, and we all can benefit from them.

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A Healthy and Happy Diwali To All

Diwali: The Festival of Lights

First of all I would like to wish a very peaceful and happy Diwali to all our readers from all the countries. This Festival celebrates togetherness, happiness and prosperity, and we hope that you all get them in the following time. Thank you for reading our blog and sharing the message of health and fitness.
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Our team would like to make a sincere request that please, this Diwali do not burn crackers as the pollution is on the rise, this only creates problems for our fellow humans but animals and the ecosystem as well. On this day let’s repay all the favours that mother earth has bestowed upon us.
A Healthy and Happy Diwali to All
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If you liked this article, if you didn’t, please write in the comments section below. Your feedback is the only way I can improve, so please comment and tell me if I am successful at giving you my message. If you are interested in the blog please click the follow button under the fitness enthusiasts section on the top of the page, so that you are notified every time I post an article.   If you want us to write on a topic of yours please write it in the box below. Like, comment and share. For more articles on motivation, nutrition, supplementation and workouts keep coming back to the blog.

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Eating Healthy This Festive Season

Eating Healthy, This Festive Season

Eating healthy is a choice we can make almost any time of the year. We all are always surrounded with excellent foods, we just are not aware of it.

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Enjoy this festive season with your family and friends and don’t worry about the sweets and other foods that spoil your diet because we are discussing ways we can eat healthy this festive season.

Way 1 No canned or boxed sweets

You would be shocked to know the amount of sugar, i.e. high fructose corn syrup used in these canned sweets. These are absolutely bad for our body.
Yes it can be difficult to control yourself when those sweets are served before you but you have to have enough control over yourself.Image result for no sweets
Will power strengthens the more you use it.

Way 2 Gifting healthy

Imagine a person gifted you a very beautiful handmade card, you would feel the need to return him with a beautiful gift.
Exactly like that when we would gift healthy gifts, we would get healthy gift in return setting up a chain.
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For some ideas on gifting healthy, please check the link below

Way 3 Hydration

This point has been included over 10 times in other articles as well, this shows the importance of hydration. It is very influential on our body. Majority of our organs are made of more than 50% of water. Drinking good amounts of water keeps our digestive system in proper working condition and flushes out the excess waste products accumulated due to the heavy foods consumed during the festivities. Also beautiful skin and nails are cherry to the cake.
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For a complete guide to water, please check the link below

Way 4 No going crazy over nuts and dry fruits

Dry fruits and nuts are the most gifted gifts during Diwali, be it a corporate gift or a personal one. Even though nuts have lots of benefits, excess can be harmful. We can easily see our family members especially the young ones going crazy over them. Eat nuts but not in excess.
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Way 5 Seeking out healthy foods
Visiting places and looking at the variety of foods served is a very good thing. What we have to do is tunnel out on the healthier foods available.
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This festive season lets bless ourselves and our loved one with the gift of health.

For tips on eating healthy while traveling please check the link below

For tips on eating healthy in a restaurant, please check the link below

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